WordPress co-creator Matt Mullenweg expects WP Engine dispute to be settled within months and that it will eventually be forgotten
Matt Mullenweg downplayed his dispute with WP Engine, saying it’s not as big a deal as people are making it out to be and shared that he believes it will all be over in a few months.
Matt Compares Himself To Standing Up To Bullies
The podcast host expressed surprise at how harshly Matt went after WP Engine, expressing that he never figured Matt to be the kind of person who would go after someone else so hard, that it didn’t seem to fit his idea of the kind of person Matt Mullenweg was in his mind. Matt responded that he thought that was kind of funny because he’s actually that guy.
Matt smiled as he explained that he feels obliged to stand up for WordPress, like someone standing up to a playground bully.
Matt Says People Will Forget About WP Engine Dispute
Matt compared the current dispute with WP Engine with previous controversies as a way to note how those were forgotten and one day the WP Engine conflict will also be forgotten.
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Source : https://www.searchenginejournal.com/matt-mullenweg-expects-wp-engine-dispute-resolution-soon/538941/