
exclusive content

Using data to power digital transformation

Quest is a global provider to 130,000 companies across 100 countries, including 95% of the Fortune 500 and 90% of the Global 1000. Since 1987, we’ve built a portfolio of database management software tools that help you manage, monitor and move your data across on- premises and cloud environments as well as multiple database platforms. […]

Mind your KPIs

Mind Your KPIs

Collecting good, timely data with careful analysis to guide proper business decisions is critical to thriving in business today. With that in mind, we’ve collected a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that every product company should be monitoring consistently.

Commerce for any place and every device.

Five ways brands are bringing commerce to their customers. Until recently, brands spent a lot of time waiting Like a fisherman on a lazy summer afternoon, they focused on creating the perfect bait. They updated store displays or added content to their websites and waited for customers to appear. They relied on advertising to drive […]

Experience Essentials: Commerce

It’s vital for companies – both retailers and manufacturers – to give customers rich, immersive and seamless experiences, online and off. But it’s also hard to do. According to Target Marketing, almost half (48 percent) of companies feel the omnichannel experience they provide to customers is only average and 19 percent feel it’s poor or […]

The path to experience driven commerce.

Five ways brands are bringing commerce to their customers. Until recently, brands spent a lot of time waiting Like a fisherman on a lazy summer afternoon, they focused on creating the perfect bait. They updated store displays or added content to their websites and waited for customers to appear. They relied on advertising to drive […]

Elevating personalisation.

A strategic guide to end-to-end, real-time personalisation at scale. This eBook outlines the path to excellence in personalized customer experience. You’ll learn why stepping up your personalization game is essential to survival in today’s digital economy, and how businesses in diverse industries are meeting and exceeding their key business objectives by executing next level personalization […]

Meet the moment with exceptional experiences everywhere.

How a new type of analytics is helping financial services companies connect the data dots. It’s the first of the month, and you have some bills to pay. You log in to your bank’s website but get an error message when you try to make a payment to a new payee. You nitiate a query […]

2021 state of b2b content consumption and demand report for marketers

A comprehensive analysis of B2B buyer behaviors, industries, and interests distilled from over 4.3 million content registrations. Welcome to the only report that covers the who, what, where, when, and why of first-party generated B2B content engagement. Backed by more than 40,000,000 GBs of first-party data (that’s 312,500 128-GB iPhones, by the way), our 2021 State of B2B […]

Content marketing: 11 steps to engage, entertain, and inform

Learn step by step how to keep your audience engaged, entertained, and informed with your content. Great content isn’t just about producing a well written piece. It’s about addressing your audience’s relevant pain points and showing that you understand their needs. Don’t be shy to freely give away advice and information—great content always comes from […]