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Marketing automation teams mired in execution, neglecting strategic priorities


A recent study of senior Marketo managers reveals their marketing automation teams are small, highly productive and focus predominantly on executing campaigns. Nearly 75% of respondents said they execute more than 30 campaigns in a year, and 74% said they manage a team of 0-3 employees. The focus on executing campaigns means strategic priorities, like having and measuring impact, are at risk of being neglected, according to the study.

Execution-oriented tasks that get daily attention are:

  • Building programs, campaign execution
  • Platform administration
  • Delivering leads/accounts/MQLs to sales
  • Putting out fires
  • Data management

The focus on execution leaves little time for strategic priorities. Respondents said these were undertaken less than quarterly:

  • Developing dynamic content; personalization
  • Proving and improving campaign impact
  • Scoring program management

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